
in-person color analysis

Have your colors analyzed by Tamara in a private, 90-minute session at our Charlotte, NC studio. We will discover your color type by draping you in a range of colored fabrics, so you can see firsthand how various shades and tints work with (or against!) your natural features. We will then create a tailored palette of 15 Signature Colors unique to you- your very best, most flattering colors and neutrals. You’ll leave the session feeling empowered and confident to dress, shop and curate your wardrobe.



  • In-depth, in-person color analysis in our studio using a full-spectrum set of colored fabric drapes

  • Identification of your 15 Signature Colors

  • Digital file containing 60+ colors for your color type (will be mailed to you following session)

VIRTUAL color analysis

Live outside of the Charlotte, NC region? Discover your best colors with a virtual color analysis. Simply provide photos of yourself that meet our guidelines (specifed on booking page). Tamara will analyze and type you personally using digitally-created coloreddrapes from the Your Color Style system. You will receive an emailed presentation that identifies your color type and your 15 Signature Colors, which we will review together in a 30-minute Zoom meeting.



  • Virtual color analysis using digitally colored drapes, which we will review together in a 30-minute Zoom meeting

  • Identification of your 15 Signature Colors

  • Digital file containing 60+ colors for your color type (will be mailed to you following session)

“The best color in the whole world is the one that looks good on you.” -Coco Chanel